This is a program that integrates between Microsoft SMS and a web server.
The purpose of this is to allow an admin to connect to their SMS server from any system, anwhere. This hopefully will overcome the bandwith and software limitations placed by MS SMS.
This is a work in progress, and any help from other programmers would be appreciated.

What you need: As I build these scripts I make every effort to make them multi-site capable, but since I am running only one site, this is a little hard to test myself.
Hopefully, screenshots and more capabilities will come soon.
Why PHP?
I used PHP because it is a kick ass scripting language. I had prevously only used ASP and vbscripting, however after having several problems with timestamps (if you have ever tried to format timestamps under vb, you know what I mean), a co-worker encouraged me to try PHP.
I am currently using PHP Version 3.0.11. I had tried to upgrade to a newer version, but there were some problems, especially with the navigation page.

Why NT?
You may ask, "If you are using PHP, why are you using NT instead of some Linux or Unix variant?". The main reason is the fact that with NT I can use a DSN that I only have to change in one place. I currently have a DSN set up named "SMS", this uses SQL security to connect to our SQL7 Server. Our DBA was nice enough to allow us a user that has read-only access to only the SMS database, Username-sms Password-sms, edit your scripts accordingly.

What does it cost/do you want in return
Truthfully, nothing. Just being able to use them myself is enough, however if you want you can help. Just forward any changes you make to and I will either add them to the package, or work with you to try and find out what we can do.

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